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Mednarodna orientacijska zveza Olimpijski komite Slovenije - Združenje športnih Zvez Fundacija za šport Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport
Domov / Aktualno / Koledar


ZL 7 (nedelja, 10. 1. 2010)

Organizator: A.Š.D. Gaja
Kraj: Padriče - Gropada pri Trstu
Tip: regionalna
Razdalja: drugo


Here is some information about Gropada race:

  • it's a promotional race, the first step of Winter Karst orienteering Trophy;
  • it will take place on sunday, january 10 in Gropada
  • meeting at h 9.30 a.m. c/o club Skala in Gropada
  • first start: h 10.30 ten minutes from meeting point to start)
  • classes: M/W Long (A); M/W Middle (B); M/W Short;
    boys and girls under twelve; groups

Entries: until tuesday january 7 to, but you can entry also just before the race at the event center. Our mail does not support special characters, so we beg you to send entries in attachments, or without special characters

You can get more informations in our website: . In a few days on the website there will be also the slovenian version.

Igor dodaja: Za Slovensko zimsko ligo veljajo A, B, C moške kategorije.

Karta: Gropada

Standard: ISOM
št. karte: 346
Lastnik: OriGaja
Lokacija: Geopedia
Merilo: 1:10000
Stanje: 2008
Površina: 1.83km2

Karta je bila doslej uporabljena:

Koledar tekem OT

Nobena tekma ne ustreza kriterijem.