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Mednarodna orientacijska zveza Olimpijski komite Slovenije - Združenje športnih Zvez Fundacija za šport Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport
Domov / Aktualno / Koledar


ZL13 (nedelja, 30. 1. 2011)

Organizator: Cesare&co
Kraj: Zgonik
Tip: trening
Razdalja: srednja
Startna lista: povezava


Open Orienteering race in Repen (TS)

CC opens 9:30 am
first start 10:30 am (15' walk from CC)
tel. : +39 335 8298594

Long / Middle / Short & Groups / Youth 10-12 / Children 1-10
There will be an easy race, in open land, for children <10.
One if us will take care of them along the course (all on sight from where it starts)

LONG     4920 + 195climb         15 controls
MIDDLE  3130 + 130climb         10 controls
SHORT   2290 + 79climb           7controls

ENTRIES : by 26th January, by e-mail to ori@caixxxottobre.
Entry fee 5,00 €;                SIcard rent 2,00 €

PUNCHING SYSTEM : electronic sportIDENT.
Please add your SIcode when entrying.
SIcards available for rent.

DRESSING ROOMS : an indoor space will be available at the gym hall of Repen. Please act with respect, as we are guests there.
BUS : From Trieste bus 42 leaves Piazza Oberdan at 8:25

PRIZE GIVINGS : at the end of the race at the CC, symbolic prize for first 3 runners in each of classes


Karta (še) ni v registru kart OZS: Zgonik

Koledar tekem in treningov

Nobena tekma ne ustreza kriterijem.